10 Faulkner Court, Eastwood
3 Beds | 2 Baths | 765 Square metres | 2 car spaces |
This property in Faulkner Court has a convenient location near a supermarket and school. It features a large backyard with side access, ideal for a shed or caravan/boat parking. The home has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, with an ensuite and walk-in robes in the main bedroom, and built-in robes in the others. There are two living areas, gas ducted heating, and evaporative cooling. The open plan kitchen/dining has a large pantry, stone bench tops, and a dishwasher, plus room for a large fridge. The backyard is easily accessible via two large sliding doors. Inspections are by appointment only.
32 Gilsenan Street, Paynesville
3 beds | 1 bath | 2 car spaces |
26 Currawong Close, Raymond Island
6 beds | 2 baths | 6 car spaces |